Fast Twitch -- Week 12 (Thursday, May 31)
400 warmup
200: 50 scull/50 drill
300 kick
4x150 free with snorkel, :25 rest
4x50 on 1:10
1-2 back, 3-4 breast
100 easy
My body felt better today. I think part of it is swimming in the pool while it's setup for the meet (today a few people swam the 800 or the mile). Something about having touchpads in the pool, the blocks set up and the tents erected made the mental aspect a little exciting.
Some members of the Mexican national team were at the pool today and last night. They're pretty fast. I saw a breaststroker do some 50 breast repeats yesterday holding 36s. i could make one and then would need about three minutes before I did another one.
In any case, it'll be fun racing these guys and watching them swim. They looked fast in warmup, and I hope they can translate it to the actual races.
Fast Twitch -- Week 12 (Wednesday, May 30
Meet warmup (about 1500 meters)
Changed from drag suit to a Speedo brief, then 15 minutes later:
50 breast from a dive: 29.8
That's my fastest 50 breast from a dive in workout in recent memory. In fact, it's a tenth slower than a time I did in a race last summer. The thing is, my body felt real heavy and it didn't feel like I had to work a little harder to get that time, but I was happy with it. In my 100 breast race Sunday, I hope that my first 50 is about that fast, but obviously a lot easier.
You can look at the psyche sheet for the meet. A few Ford Masters swimmers will be in the meet, starting today with the mile. We'll have some swimmers from the Mexican national team, as well as some of the best from the rest of the state. It was a fun meet to watch last year, because it's always cool watching the South African Olympians, as well as the best UA swimmers, even if it's in the middle of the season.
MySpace Page
There are other swimming-related sites on MySpace like Pacific Masters and Olympian Beth (Barr) Isaak. So take a look and check these sites out.
If you are on MySpace, you can become a friend of the Arizona Masters site...
Fast Twitch -- Week 12 (Monday, May 28 and Tuesday, May 29)
2000 meters relaxed
About 800 meters of it was breaststroke, either swimming, drilling or kicking. The stroke felt OK, not real strong. I'm in that "blah" phase of the taper. Or at least I hope I am.
Tuesday p.m. long course
6x150 :20 rest
100 free/50 non-fre
4x15 breakouts on 1:00
4x100 free with snorkel on 1:55
4x50 back smooth on 1:00
100 easy
Felt OK today, not great. The breakouts were a little sloppy, but I felt stronger. I think my body has adjusted to long course, so now I just need to get the snap back in my stroke. Have I been resting too long? We'll see.
Under Official Sites, a link was added for both the online store and for the MySpace page. Besides the National Team t-shirts, we will add some items to the store shortly. As for MySpace, there will be more on that later.
The Events section was moved up so that it now appears near the top of the page. Upcoming AZ LMSC, USMS, and FINA meets are listed and linked.
We have a new team in the Teams section! Luke AFB out in Glendale has a team now and we will have more information about that later as well.
In the Other LMSCs section, Pacific Masters has been added. It seems we are getting more connections with Northern California so this is a good thing to add.
Finally, the Other section contains two new links. One is for Athlete in You, the other is for Swim Room. Both of these will be discussed in more detail later.
So there you have it, a bevy of changes for the blog. If you have any suggestions for improvement, new content, or links, email me.
Memorial Day
Some gave their lives...

On this day, remember that freedom is never free
Fast Twitch -- Week 12 (Sunday, May 27)
Meet warmup
100 breast fast broken at the 50 with 15 seconds rest
400 easy
I didn't feel any snap to my stroke in the broken swim, so going 1:05 was pretty good. It really felt a lot slower. I know I need more rest, with some fast breakouts and a couple of fast 25 thrown in later in the week.
The rest of the week will be long course, so I can continue to make the transition to long course without any interruption.
Santa Clarita LCM Meet
SPMA is hosting a long course meet at Santa Clarita, which is just north of Burbank. The meet will be on Saturday June 23 at the Santa Clarita Aquatics Center. As with all meets in Southern California, this should be a competitive meet.
Click here for more information or send the Meet Director an email. You can also get more information here.
Fast Twitch -- Week 11 (Saturday, May 27)
1-4: free on 1:50
5-8: 50 back/50 breast on 2:00
4x10 breakouts on 1:00
100 free aerobic on 1:45
50 breast on 1:15 holding :39 (actually went :40)
100 free aerobic on 1:45
50 breast on 1:15 holding :38 (went :38)
100 free aerobic on 1:45
50 back on 1:15 holding :35 (went :35)
100 free aerobic on 1:45
50 back on 1:15 holding :34 (went :34)
100 easy
Rack work:
2x (15 meters fast on 1:30, 25 meters fast on 2:00)
Round 1 breast, round 2 back
2x150 free on 2:40 breathe every 3, 5, 7
100 easy
The workout was designed to get my body adjusted to long course. I think the pool will remain long course through next weekend, which is good. My breaststroke felt good, though not fast. I didn't have a lot of speed today, which meant the breakouts and the rack work were harder than they should have been. But I got into the mood of it near the end.
Direct Alliance Corporation and AZ LMSC

I can see you all scratching your heads, but let me explain...
Direct Alliance Corporation (DAC) is one of the Top-100 Global Outsourcing companies and provides services to many of the world's largest electronics and software companies. It has over 800 employees at it's Tempe headquarters and is growing rapidly. DAC is owned by TeleTech, which is a Denver-based company with over 43,000 employees worldwide.
One of the main goals of the company is to provide opportunities for employees to maintain a balanced in their lives. The program OptimalWorkLife lists selected organizations that provide such opportunities.
Arizona Masters Swimming is one of the three organizations listed!
Many companies have similar listings of activities because wellness is becomming increasingly important within companies. If you work for a company, governmental agency, educational institution, non-profit organization, or the military, tell your Human Resources Department about Arizona Masters Swimming. They can contact me directly via email or leave a message on our information hotline at 480-365-0037.
Fast Twitch -- Week 11 (Friday, May 26)
600 warmup
8x75 breast on 1:20
25 drill/25 kick/25 swim
I was feeling very lightheaded after this set because I hadn't eaten in seven hours, almost a record for me. So instead of passing out in the pool, I got out. I was going to do some rack work and a short sprint kick set, but maybe I'll do it tomorrow, though I don't want my broken swim on Sunday to be severely affected.
Las Vegas Long Course Meters Meet
Swim in a meet!
Las Vegas Masters are hosting a meet at Desert Breeze Park in a couple of weeks. This is an indoor 50M pool, which means it will be nice and pleasant for a swim meet. If you are interested, click here to get more information.
If memory serves, Sun Devil Masters sent a group to this meet a few years ago and had a blast. Should you have the time and inclination, this may be a fun event to be a part of.
Fast Twitch -- Week 11 (Thursday, May 25)
400 warmup
10x100 on 1:30
Odd: free
Even: IM
5x200 free on 3:00 (held 2:23)
8x50 on 1:00
50 back/50 breast
This could be viewed as garbage yardage, but I needed it to recover.
Fast Twitch -- Week 11 (Wednesday, May 24)
600 warmup
4x150 :25 rest
50 back/50 breast/50 free
4x15 breakouts on :45
8x50 on 1:30
1, 4, 6, 8 breast fast (29, 29, 30, 29)
300 easy
2x25 breast fast on 1:00 (14, 14)
100 easy
Man, did I feel like crap today. Getting back into weights really made my muscles sore. I'm surprised I went so fast on the 50s. I know I'm still kinda shaved, and it has some effect, but my soreness should have easily outweighed that advantage. My stroke felt sloppy most of the time, but that's OK. Once I taper again starting Saturday or Sunday, everything should feel better.
Fast Twitch -- Week 11 (Tuesday, May 23)
8x150 :20 rest
100 free/50 non-free
6x100 IM :30 rest
1-3 drill, 4-6 swim
4x50 :30 rest
15 fast/20 easy/15 fast
2x200 free with snorkel on 3:20
4x50 breast on 1:10 descend 1-4 (41, 40, 38, 37)
200 easy
I went back to the weight room today, and I really felt the effects in the water. It wasn't as easy moving my body through the water today, and my breaststroke felt horrible. So, my taper is officially gone!
Nationals Results
Pacific Northwest Aquatics 3440.50
Oregon Masters 2236.50
Colorado Masters Swimming 1867.50
Walnut Creek Masters 907.00
Arizona Masters 886.50
Team Illinois Masters 824.00
Wisconsin Masters Aquatic Club 819.00
San Diego Swim Masters 791.00
The Olympic Club 769.50
North Carolina Masters Swimming 538.50
We had several National Champions and some fast relays as well. If you want to look-up specific results, go to the USMS website and enter your criteria.
Not only did Arizona Masters do well, people who have an association with our state did well. Mark Gill (Swim Kentucky) spent some time announcing in between his events and managed to swim very well. Mel Dyck (Colorado Masters) broke a national record in the 100 Breastroke on the last day of the meet. Jeff Commings (University of San Francisco Masters) put his training to good use throughout the meet by breaking many records and swimming some very fast times.
It was a very successful meet indeed. Thanks to all of the swimmers, coaches, and supporters who made this possible.
Fast Twitch -- Week 11 (Monday, May 22)
400 warmup
6x100 kick on 2:15
1-3 breast with board, 4-6 back with Zoomers
4x200 free pull on 3:15
4x100 back swim on 1:50
4x50 breast swim on 1:10 (averaged 42s)
100 easy
It's awesome to do a workout when you're shaved. It's just a little bit easier.
I'm going to spend this week getting used to long course again, though the pool will be short course from Wednesday through Friday. I think I'll do a broken swim on Saturday or Sunday.
Fast Twitch -- Day three at nationals
What a feeling to beat your own record. Not only did I beat the 56.11 I swam in 2004, but my time was faster than I did when I was 29 years old and swam my first shaved masters meet. That means I swam my fastest masters time ever Sunday.
I didn't think it was possible, even though I had been training harder and putting a lot of focus on my breaststroke. Certain things shouldn't happen in your 30s. I also found out that the 50 breast I swam Friday was also my fastest masters time. What a weekend.
I would love nothing more than to celebrate and take a break, but I have to continue training for the Southwest Classic Invitational on June 2. It's a USA Swimming meet and a masters meet, and a lot of Tucson master swimmers plan to attend.
I'll continue to blog about my prep for that meet, where I'm swimming the 100 back and 100 breast. I'm real nervous about trying to taper again for another meet, because I've never been good at that. But the last time I did it was in college, when I put too much faith in my coaches to guide my taper. I think I've learned that I don't need to taper as much as many people. A few people I talked to at nationals said they tapered for two weeks. I think I might have gotten out of shape if that happened to me. But we're all different, which is why it's always hard for coaches to arrange tapers.
Congrats to all those who went to Federal Way for nationals. I hope those who didn't go are tempted to go to Austin for the 2008 spring nationals. It'll be a lot of fun to swim in another fast pool, eat some great food and hang out in the best city in Texas.
Fast Twitch -- Day 2 at nationals
100 IM: 51.51 (24.08) I really need work on transitioning better from breast to free. It's always been a problem. But the time is the same I've been doing for the past three years, so no reason to be upset about the race, though I had hoped to go under 51 seconds and get the national record. My turns felt quick and the strokes were all strong. It always feels good to pull away from the field on breaststroke! Gary Marshall, a 25-year-old who swims for the Olympic Club in the Bay Area, went the same time in another heat. Sure wish we had swum together.
100 free: 47.84 (22.98) Had no expectations about this race. Breaking 48 seconds was a great feeling. I'm not calling myself a freestyler, but I enjoyed the race, especially trying something different. It's good to do that once in a while.
50 back on medley relay: 24.53 Not bad, but my start still needs work.
I'm writing this about two hours before my 100 breast, which is THE event I've been looking forward to this weekend. I feel great, feel confident. I'm going to have fun, and whatever happens will be a direct result of that.
I'll let you know how it goes first thing Monday, when I return to Arizona.
Fast Twitch -- Nationals is here!
I'll tell you how I did, in order of my events.
100 fly: 52.81 (24.74, 28.07) Well, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but I will never, never, never do that again at nationals. I probably won't even do it in an in-season meet. That race is not for me.
50 breast: 25.78 NATIONAL RECORD Yeah! I've been aching to break that record since I turned 30. I found out afterward that it was the oldest record in all of masters short course swimming. I verified it by looking it up online. No other record has lasted since 1991. It was formerly held by David Lundberg, who was -- is -- a great swimmer. It's an honor to break his record. This is like the time I broke 1996 Olympic gold medalist Atilla Czene's 100 SCM IM record four years ago.
100 back: 51.63 (25.18, 26.45) This was the first time I've swum backstroke indoors since February 2006. It felt so good! I had hoped to go under 51, but I messed up my third turn and it affected my momentum.
Fly on the 200 mixed medley relay: 23.50
All three of the individual events were back-to-back-to-back, but I had at least 50 minutes between each, so it wasn't a big deal The key to it was warming down plenty after each race. After each 100 race I did at least 600 yards, though I did more after the 100 back. After the breast, I did about 300.
Tomorrow's events: 100 IM and 100 free
Off to Nationals!

Long Course State Meet

Fast Twitch -- Week 10 (Wednesday, May 16)
Meet warmup (about 1,500 yards)
Put on Speedo brief
Ten minutes later
25 breast from a dive for time (11.39)
Wow. That was fast. The 25 felt very good. Obviously, I feel better than yesterday.
This'll be my last blog post until after nationals. See you then.
Summer Meet in Flagstaff

Northern Arizona Masters are hosting a long course meters meet this summer and you are invited to attend. You can swim in the same pool that many world-class swimmers train in. Plus, you get a chance to enjoy the hospitality of our fellow swimmers from Flagstaff.
The meet will be at the Wall Aquatic Center on the Northern Arizona University campus on Sunday, July 15, 2007. Warmups at 10 AM and meet starts at 11 AM. Entries must be received by Wednesday July 11.

Fast Twitch -- Week 10 (Tuesday, May 15)
6x150 :20 rest
150 free/50 non-free
4x15 breakouts on :45
4x100 IM on 1:40
1-2 drill, 3-4 swim
300 easy
I've been so busy with things outside of swimming that my concentration on the meet has been unintentionally pushed to the side. My body felt sluggish again toay, and I think I'll feel better tomorrow -- or at least I hope so. If I'm not feeling good two days away from the meet, I have reason to be worried. Even though my broken 100 back yesterday was very good, it didn't have snap that tapers bring.
Brute Squad Meet
The Brute Squad Meet will be held at the Oro Valley Pool on Sunday, June 17th. Warm-ups start at 7:00 am and the meet starts at 8:00 am. Entries must be received by June 7th. You can click here to find a street map of the area.
This is what the pool looks like...

If you have any questions, contact Meet Director Judy Gillies.
Fast Twitch -- Week 10 (Monday, May 14
Meet warmup (about 1600 meters)
Put on Speedo brief and waited 20 minutes until the lane with the starting block was available.
100 back for time, broken at the 50 with :15 rest
500 easy
I wasn't too happy about doing long course, but by the time I got to the pool, it was too late to go to a city pool because they close at 7 p.m.
My body certainly was taking its time adjusting. I tried to take it real easy for most of the warmup, but I think my body was rebelling somewhat.
The broken 100 felt a little sluggish, but I didn't feel as tired as I thought I would near the end. My final sprint burst at the 85-meter mark stayed with me pretty much to the wall.
When I did the broken 100, and I did a flip turn at the 50, which most people don't do for back or free. then I based my 15 seconds rest on the time I saw on the clock when my feet finished the somersault. I don't know many people who do these broken swims correctly. They touch the wall with their hand, then push off right at their rest interval. That is the wrong way to do it. You are cheating.
By not doing a flip turn, you cut a second off your time every time you stop. So if you're doing a broken 200, resting after each 50, you'll probably be ecstatic that you went a lot faster than you expected. But add three seconds (one for each time you touched with your hand, except for the finish) and you'll get the real time. Plus, you are not working on your turns, which are crucial to a race, correct?
You can also cheat on fly and breast. When you touch the wall each time and stop, you are also slicing a second off your time. If you touch the wall at the :00 on the clock and push off at the :15, you didn't factor in the second or so it takes for your body to rotate from going in one direction to another. If you are being hand timed on your broken swim, ask your coach to start the rest interval when your feet touch the wall no matter what stroke you are doing.
I'm ranting because the Ford team did broken swims yesterday, and all the freestylers touched with their hands. But I'm not the coach, and they probably didn't care too much about the two or three seconds they were slicing off their times.
When I coached age-group kids, I had them do some broken swims their way (touching the wall with their hand). Then I asked them to flip turn before they stopped, or touch the wall and do a turn for fly and breast, planting their feet on the wall. It's harder, but more accurate. Doing the turns expend energy in a broken swim just as they would in a race. Don't leave them out.
And with that, I bid you good night. I need nine hours of sleep when I taper. Ten if I'm lucky.
Fast Twitch -- Week 9 (Saturday, May 12)
800 warmup
6x100 free with snorkel on 1:35
8x50 free on :55; descend 1-4, 5-8 to 30 seconds
4x25 fly on :30
3x100 breast :30 rest
1: kick drill
2: pull
3: swim
100 easy
I strained something in my right leg just below my knee on Thursday evening. I think I was standing funny and put weight on my leg in a weird way. It doesn't really hurt when I swim, except slightly during breast kick. I'm taking lots of ibuprofen and icing my leg, and that helps.
The group of guys from Ford who are going to nationals are going to do a broken swim tomorrow, but I think I will swim easy instead. Taper is going well so far, but I need the recovery.
USMS Names Executive Director
This is great news for Masters Swimming! Todd has a long track record of success as head of USA Diving and was an accomplished diver and swimmer in High School. He has the skills and experience to take USMS to the next level and evolve as an organization.
Not many of you will see Todd Smith in person, but you will probably be positively impacted by the decisions he makes in his new role.
Fast Twitch -- Week 9 (Friday, May 11)
Meet warmup (1500 yards)
6x50 back on :55
1-3 relaxed, 4-6 at 200 pace (around :29)
100 easy
(Put on my Speedo brief)
100 IM fast from a push (:53)
300 easy
(10 minutes after the first 100 IM)
100 IM fast from a push (:54)
I don't think I have ever gone under 55 seconds for a fast 100 IM in masters. In workout sets, I generally have a goal of 1:00 (with a drag suit). This obviously gives me lots of confidence two days into taper. My legs are slowly starting to feel better, but they are still the last part of my body to recover.
During taper, I generally have a day of fast swimming, followed by two days of active recovery. But it is important to make sure to throw in a 15-meter breakout or two, just to keep the fast twitch active. It is quite easy to overtaper if you don't remind your body that you are preparing it to swim fast. Sometimes when people don't swim as fast as they want during their taper meet, they think they didn't taper enough. More often than not, it is because they tapered too much, with too many acrtive recovery days, like three days in a row of easy swimming, followed by a broken swim or something.
Fast Twitch -- Week 9 (Thursday, May 10)
400 free
300 breast kick
200 back swim
100 fly drill
4x15 breakouts
200 IM drill/swim work on transitions
300 free with snorkel
8x50: 1-4 back/breast, 5-8 breast/free
4x15 breakouts
200 easy
It's taper time! My body was ready for this day. Lots of easy swimming, except for the breakouts, of course. Tomorrow is a sprint set. I think after two days of moderate recovery, I should do well.
Fast Twitch -- Week 9 (Wednesday, May 9)
400 warmup
Two rounds:
3x200 free aerobic on 2:50
3x100 back swim on 1:35
3x50 breast swim descend to 90 percent effort on 1:00
3x25 fly swim on :30
One minute break between rounds
100 easy
My aerobic free times were 2:20 for all six 200s. Usually, my aerobic 200 frees is about 2:25. My heart rate was slightly higher than usual, but I was surprised that I was able to hold 2:20 for the entire set.
My breaststroke felt sloppy, which is a good indicator. Taper officially starts tomorrow!
National Team T-shirts!
If you are planning on going to Long Course Nationals, La Jolla, or the SPMA Long Beach meet, you should order one too!
To order your shirt, do the following:
- Go to this website
- Click on National T-shirt
- Click on the picture of the National T-shirt
- Click Add to Shopping Cart
- Select the quantity you wish to order of each size (M, L, XL)
- Click Update Cart
- Your total with shipping and tax will appear
- Click Submit Shopping Cart
- Enter the required fields and either choose either PayPal or Inquire Only.
If you have any questions, call the phone number on the page and somebody will help you out.
Fast Twitch -- Week 9 (Tuesday, May 8)
10x100 :20 rest
1-5 free
6-10 50 kick non-free/50 swim non-free
6x10 breakouts on :45
10x50 kick on 1:00
1, 4 fast breast (:40, :39); 7, 10 fast back with Zoomers(:33, :33)
others easy
200 easy
10x50 free on :55
1-5 breathe every 5
6-10 three breaths per 50
200 easy
My legs are still sore, but I can feel lots of power underneath all the aches and pains. In three days, taper begins, and I'm sure everything will fall into place. The hardest part about this time before taper is keeping up the momentum. You want to back off now, but you have to have the confidence that you are taking the right path. During the taper period, if things don't feel good when they should, that is the time to hold back more.
2008 National Team - Short Course Yards
Here is the 2008 Arizona Masters National Team for the USMS Short Course Yards National Championships:
Altman, Christie
Bailey, Monica
Bayly, Helen H
Busche, Kelly C
Fritz, Jill D
Hobbs, Liz A
Hussey, June C
James, Katryn S
Keller, Kathleen E
Kelley, Colleen
Major, Rebecca P
Malone, Bobbi
Miller, Jan
Mullaney, Amy B
Palenica, Lisa A
Pranke, Bridget A
Roper, Gail P
Schmidt, Jonelle G
Weinberg, Wendy L

Adamavich, Doug P
Bailey, Hop
Bellem, Ray D
Bond, William R
Donath, Jonathan
Fritz, Jack R
Fuller, Vern
Gillin, Gordon H
Haartz, F H Ted
Hassan, Omar
Leid, Jeff G
Monroe, Thomas A
Silverstein, Lou
Stites, Jim S
Suida, Nathan T
Swanholm, Benjamin S
Jim Stites (Ford Aquatics) and Simon Percy (Sun Devil Masters) will be coaching at this meet as well.
When you get a chance, wish the swimmers and coaches good luck. This will be a very competitive meet in a fast pool.
Updated Registration Form
For the rest of you out there who have not registered yet, you will need to download the revised form and fill it out. The address you need to send it to has been updated.

...and when you register, you don't have to dress-up either.
Fast Twitch -- Week 9 (Monday, May 7)
600 warmup
Two rounds:
3x100 on 1:45 50 drill/25 kick/25 swim
Round 1 fly, round 2 back
8x50 kick on 1:10 25 breast/25 free
12x75 on 1:10
1-6: fly/back/breast
7-12: back/breast/free
10x50 on :55
1-5: breathe every 5
6-10: three breaths per 50
For some reason, the set of 75s really took a lot out of me. Part of it had to do with the fly, which always makes me more tired than I should be. But even the last half of the set was extra grueling. I'm not sure what was happening.
My legs are real sore and haven't felt good since the meet in California. I did pick up the intensity in my weight program, which means they are tired from exertion. I'll be putting extra emphasis on resting them during the taper. That means fewer starts than I have planned in a few workouts.
I think I've lost a lot of weight in the past few weeks. My drag suit is really hanging loose on me. Yes, it's a good thing, but it's very distracting when you think your suit will slip down on every pushoff. I don't have a scale in my house, and I haven't seen a scale at my gym or at any pool, so I can't verify this. But my looser pants and suits tell the tale.
LCM Nationals Address Correction

The ZIP code for mailing the entry form for LC Nationals (published in the May/Jun issue of USMS Swimmer) is incorrect. The correct address is on the event page on the USMS web site.
Long Course Nationals
This meet takes place at The Woodlands Athletic Club located in The Woodlands, Texas, August 10-13, 2007.
Fast Twitch -- Week 8 (Saturday, May 5)
Meet warmup (about 1,600 yards)
I changed into my Speedo brief. Fifteen minutes later:
Broken 100 breast
50 from dive, 15 seconds rest, 25 swim, 10 seconds rest, 25 swim
This time is a little fudged, the two sendoffs were on my feet, which means there was about a second nto accounted for in the turns. But I am happy with the wim. Everything felt good, and I felt strong. The coach and I debated about the 15 seconds rest. He wanted 10. Initially, I was going to do a 50 with 15 seconds rest, then another 50 (no rest at the 75).
I might do another one of these, but not until a week from Monday, maybe. I want to be halfway through my taper so I can see how I am doing. I will actually do the same swim with the same intervals, to judge improvement, which there should be, though not too much.
Long Course Trifecta
The meet entry forms will be online shortly and each event will be announced separately on the blog.
Stay tuned, more information is on the way.
Fast Twitch -- Week 8 (Friday, May 4)
600 warmup (300 swim, 300 kick)
8x100 IM on 1:40
1-5 drill, 6-8 swim working on transitions
Rack work:
6x15 on 1:15
Two rounds:
4x25 IM order on :30
100 easy
6x75 free with snorkel on 1:10
6x75 back swim on 1:10
I wasn't going to do much fast stuff in order to prepare for my broken swim tomorrow, but the racks were set up for the first time in a while, and I felt I needed to take advantage of it.
My first day at nationals is exactly two weeks away. I'm starting to wrap myself in that bubble I create in the final days, when my mindset if very focused on fine-tuning everything and getting my mind ready for the six races (not including relays). As I was doing the IM set, I was visualizing myself doing good turns during the 100 IM. I've been doing that for a long time now, but in the final two weeks, things really get mentally intense.
Fast Twitch -- Week 8 (Thursday, May 3)
500 warmup
6x200 free on 2:50
1-3 descend to 90% effort (2:23, 2:14, 2:08)
4-6 pull aerobic
400 breast kick
6x100 breast pull with Zoomers on 1:45
100 easy
4x50 free on 1:30, with fast turn
200 easy
Today was a perfect day for aerobic distance work. After yesterday's extreme efforts, I needed a day to keep myheart rate relatively low and lactate production minimal.
I am no longer doing double workouts on Tuesday and Thursday. This is the first act of preparing to taper! The next step is cutting back on weights until May 9, when I stop doing it altogether. Taper officially starts May 10.
Fast Twitch -- Week 8 (Wednesday, May 2)
#1: 20 inches
#2: 21 inches
#3: 23.5 inches
The last time I tested my vertical leap was in 1998, when I was training in Colorado Springs with the Resident Team. Our coach, Jonty Skinner, would test us on vertical jumping at least twice a month. I think I was averaging about 26 inches back then. As a comparison, Amy Van Dyken's vertical jump was about 20-21 inches.
This page talks about the average vertical jump distance of elite athletes. If you belong to a gym worth its salt, they probably have the vertical jump tower somewhere. Ask around.
Thursday p.m. short course at UA
600 warmup
3x2x100 :20 rest
Two of each stroke, 1 kick, 1 drill
6x15 breakouts on :45
Changed from my drag suit to my Speedo brief, then did:
10x100 on 2:00
1, 4, 7, 10 fast IM order
(:58, :55, 1:01, :53)
300 easy
50 breast timed from a watch (I swam into the wall, and the coach started the watch when I touched the wall and turned for the 50) (30.3)
100 easy
What a difference a day makes. I felt better today, and the main set proved it, even though my legs were near the edge of failure. The goal of sets like that is to swim a time no more than six seconds off your shaved and tapered goal time. I did that for every stroke except fly (my goal there is 51).
I've been wanting to do that set for about three weeks, so I think part of the reason I did so well was because I finally got to do it. I won't do it again in this training phase, but it gave me a good idea of what is tired now and how my racing strategies can work.
Fast Twitch -- Week 8 (Tuesday, May 1)
400 warmup
Two rounds:
4x50 stroke on 1:00 (back)
2x100 stroke on 1:50 (round one: back/breast, round two: breast/free)
200 IM on 3:30 (round one: 2:48, round two: 2:37)
3x4x50 kick, intervals getting faster each round
400 IM aerobic (I only did a 50 fly)
I found out that the pool will be short course all week starting Wednesday night. Awesome news.
Thursday p.m. short course
I won't go into details, but I felt like crap tonight and didn't feel like doing the workout, so I cut it in half.
6x150 :15 rest
100 free/50 non-free
6x75 :20 rest
50 drill/25 swim
2x100 breast kick
I was going to do the following sets:
5x100 breast kick on 3:00
Two rounds:
200 swim easy :30 rest
2x25 kick fast with Zoomers on 1:00
I hope to feel better tomorrow. Physically and mentally, it wasn't going to happen today.