Summer Meet in Flagstaff
One benefit of living in Arizona is being able to escape the summer heat. In a matter of hours you can go from the hot deserts to the cool pines.
Combine that with swimming and you have all you need for a great event.
Northern Arizona Masters are hosting a long course meters meet this summer and you are invited to attend. You can swim in the same pool that many world-class swimmers train in. Plus, you get a chance to enjoy the hospitality of our fellow swimmers from Flagstaff.
The meet will be at the Wall Aquatic Center on the Northern Arizona University campus on Sunday, July 15, 2007. Warmups at 10 AM and meet starts at 11 AM. Entries must be received by Wednesday July 11.
There will be more details in the next few weeks. You can also contact the Meet Director directly.

Northern Arizona Masters are hosting a long course meters meet this summer and you are invited to attend. You can swim in the same pool that many world-class swimmers train in. Plus, you get a chance to enjoy the hospitality of our fellow swimmers from Flagstaff.
The meet will be at the Wall Aquatic Center on the Northern Arizona University campus on Sunday, July 15, 2007. Warmups at 10 AM and meet starts at 11 AM. Entries must be received by Wednesday July 11.