
Fast Twitch -- Day three at nationals

100 breast: 55.85 (26.25) NATIONAL RECORD

What a feeling to beat your own record. Not only did I beat the 56.11 I swam in 2004, but my time was faster than I did when I was 29 years old and swam my first shaved masters meet. That means I swam my fastest masters time ever Sunday.

I didn't think it was possible, even though I had been training harder and putting a lot of focus on my breaststroke. Certain things shouldn't happen in your 30s. I also found out that the 50 breast I swam Friday was also my fastest masters time. What a weekend.

I would love nothing more than to celebrate and take a break, but I have to continue training for the Southwest Classic Invitational on June 2. It's a USA Swimming meet and a masters meet, and a lot of Tucson master swimmers plan to attend.

I'll continue to blog about my prep for that meet, where I'm swimming the 100 back and 100 breast. I'm real nervous about trying to taper again for another meet, because I've never been good at that. But the last time I did it was in college, when I put too much faith in my coaches to guide my taper. I think I've learned that I don't need to taper as much as many people. A few people I talked to at nationals said they tapered for two weeks. I think I might have gotten out of shape if that happened to me. But we're all different, which is why it's always hard for coaches to arrange tapers.

Congrats to all those who went to Federal Way for nationals. I hope those who didn't go are tempted to go to Austin for the
2008 spring nationals. It'll be a lot of fun to swim in another fast pool, eat some great food and hang out in the best city in Texas.

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