ASU Men's Swimming Update
Here is an update on the status of ASU Men's Swimming courtesy of Swimming World Magazine:
Since the middle of May the men's swim team community from ASU has been working diligently to collect pledges towards an endowment that would lead to the program's reinstatement.
On Monday, the Alumni board that is heading up the effort made a presentation to the athletic department's senior administration staff highlighting the significant results of the initial pledge drive, and a comprehensive plan to generate the necessary endowment to ensure the long term viability of men's swimming at ASU.
To date, our effort has raised more than $1,000,000 in pledges over a five-year period. Thank you to everyone's incredible support to date. On the strength of that commitment, and the merit of the endowment campaign plan, Lisa Love met with Michael Crow to discuss financial targets for reinstatement:
• $330,000 up front
• $330,000 by December 31, 2008
• $340,000 by March 31, 2009
This first phase of generous funding puts four years of operating expenses into an ASU Swimming Fund to be drawn upon for that purpose only. During that period we would have the opportunity to raise a $5,000,000 endowment to fund the program on an ongoing basis.
Pledges are currently being collected. The amount immediately available is $275,000 meaning ASU Swimming requires another $55,000 in pledges for reinstatement. ASU Swimming is confident we can reach our goal but it will require your ongoing support. Our community realizes the value and benefits of the ASU Swim Team and they have rallied together for a common goal. We've come a long way in such a short amount of time.
Please call Simon Percy at 602-818-4791 with any questions.
2008 Long Course Nationals
As many of you know, Long Course Nationals will be in Portland, OR this August. This will be a fun meet and offer us 'Zonies a chance to get outta the heat for a few days and have some fun the Pacific Northwest. Mount Hood Community College recently upgraded their facilities, making their pool one of the fastest and deepest in the US.
Think about it, you could spend a long weekend having fun with your fellow swimmers in Oregon in the nice, mild weather or you could cook here in Arizona.
Think about it...
If you are interested in going to Long Course Nationals this summer, you need to get your entry in soon. The deadline for entries is July 11 so you have less than two weeks. The good news is that you can enter online, thereby saving you time and peace of mind.
Paul Smith is organizing the team and has a long list of people that are interested in going. We should have a large, fun team there so I encourage you to join in. Mark and Mo Rankin are from Portland too so there are rumors going around that they will show us some of the local breweries that their hometown is famous for.
...or you could sit inside your air conditioned home and think of your teammates who are sitting outside relaxing in 80 degree weather.
Think about it, you could spend a long weekend having fun with your fellow swimmers in Oregon in the nice, mild weather or you could cook here in Arizona.
Think about it...
If you are interested in going to Long Course Nationals this summer, you need to get your entry in soon. The deadline for entries is July 11 so you have less than two weeks. The good news is that you can enter online, thereby saving you time and peace of mind.
Paul Smith is organizing the team and has a long list of people that are interested in going. We should have a large, fun team there so I encourage you to join in. Mark and Mo Rankin are from Portland too so there are rumors going around that they will show us some of the local breweries that their hometown is famous for.
...or you could sit inside your air conditioned home and think of your teammates who are sitting outside relaxing in 80 degree weather.
Why Join Masters Swimming - The Video
Starting at US Olympic Trials, a new promotional video will begin airing from USMS. It's called "Why Join USMS" and is available here. Give it a look, it's a well-done video that illustrates why people have joined USMS.
2008 Olympic Trials!

This includes over two dozen masters swimmers, including some from Arizona! Many of us have seen Susan von der Lippe swim at our meets, ditto for Nick Brunelli and Jeff Dash. Let's also wish good luck to Noriko Inada and Gary Hall, Jr. in their events.
Oh yes, the Ususal Suspects (Lochte, Vendt, Hoff, Hansen, Coughlin, Weir, and this guy named Phelps) will be there too. Expect some fast swims from these folks as they get ready for the Olympics.
You can get more information by going here. It should be a great display of swimming so make sure you catch some of the action from Omaha.
Morning Swim Show
Here is a link you may want to add to your favorites, The Morning Swim Show. Its a great resource for anybody who wants to know what is going on within the world of swimming. While most of the content is on world-class swimming, there is a fair amount of content that deals with masters swimming. Check it out and you will be in the loop.
The Fifth Stroke
Want to be like Mike (Michael Phelps)?

OK, well maybe just get faster in your event?
Then you will need to master the "Fifth Stroke" in swimming.
Yes, the Fifth Stroke.
Read this fascinating article from the Washington Post about it. See if you can incorporate it into your training and start reaping the rewards.
Seriously, try the same stroke that Olympic-level swimmers use!

OK, well maybe just get faster in your event?
Then you will need to master the "Fifth Stroke" in swimming.
Yes, the Fifth Stroke.
Read this fascinating article from the Washington Post about it. See if you can incorporate it into your training and start reaping the rewards.
Seriously, try the same stroke that Olympic-level swimmers use!
USMS Executive Director Interview
Floswimming is a website that is akin to YouTube except that its focus is swimming. There is a lot of good video on this site and I would encourage everybody to check it out.
One item that stands out is an interview with Rob Butcher, the new Executive Director of USMS.
Click here to watch the interview.
The takeaway here is that Masters Swimming has a lot of growth potential. Rob will certainly be able to address this with his marketing background. Also, USMS will continue to evolve from a volunteer-led organization to a professional organization with staff and a headquarters. This is the road that started with Todd Smith during his tenure and will accelerate under Mr. Butcher's leadership.
One item that stands out is an interview with Rob Butcher, the new Executive Director of USMS.
Click here to watch the interview.
The takeaway here is that Masters Swimming has a lot of growth potential. Rob will certainly be able to address this with his marketing background. Also, USMS will continue to evolve from a volunteer-led organization to a professional organization with staff and a headquarters. This is the road that started with Todd Smith during his tenure and will accelerate under Mr. Butcher's leadership.
Sweet Tomatoes Fun-Raiser

After a hard workout, nothing is better than a tasty meal! What is even better is if your meal benefits a good cause (ie. Arizona Masters Swimming). So why not do something about it?
You can eat a tasty and healthy meal after practice on June 17th at all Arizona Sweet Tomatoes restaurants. A portion of the proceeds will go to benefit AZ LMSC, which we will use to promote masters swimming within the state. You can download the flyer here, which you will need when you pay for your order.
Swimmers, spouses, and supporters are all encouraged to participate in this event. After all, everybody needs to eat somewhere, why not Sweet Tomatoes?
Bring your appetite!
Tribal Open Water Swim - Results

We had over sixty swimmers register for the 2000M swim. The water was a clean and clear 74 degrees at 0700 when the race started. Plus, the weather was perfect for an open water swim, there were no waves, the wind was calm, and the air temperature was pleasant.
So how did everyone do? You can click here for the results.
Thanks to all of the swimmers who came out for this event. We are working to secure additional open water swims in the future. Stay tuned, there will be more announcements regarding open water over the next few months.
Special thanks to David Benjes from DCB Adventures, Mark Gill from USMS, and the crew at Tribe Multisports. You helped make this event successful and we all look forward to working with you on more events in the future!
New USMS Executive Director
Two days ago, USMS announced Rob Butcher as its new Executive Director. You can read more about it here but this is great news for Masters Swimming. Rob's background is sports marketing, which will enable USMS to grow and reach new markets. Plus, he is an excellent swimmer who has competed since his college career ended.
This is great news that will have a positive impact on Masters Swimming across the US. We will certainly see additional chances in the near future as Rob puts his substantial skills to good use.
Welcome aboard Rob!
This is great news that will have a positive impact on Masters Swimming across the US. We will certainly see additional chances in the near future as Rob puts his substantial skills to good use.
Welcome aboard Rob!
Arizona Relay All-Americans
We just received an email from USMS regarding our Relay All-Americans for 2007. The following Arizona Swimmers received this honor last year:
Christie Altman 58
Monica M Bailey 46
Summer Bezdek 23
Patrick Brundage 40
Eric Bugby 23
Henry L Clark 42
Kurt F Dickson 40
Jonathon Donath 26
Jerry Hernandez 47
Liz Hobbs 46
Al Jaegers 45
Katy James 52
Glenn Leighton 42
Becki Major 44
Marika McCue 44
Kenny McLeod 20
Amy Mullaney 47
Lisa Palencia 20
Jonelle Schmidt 56
Paul Smith 48
Louise So 38
Chris Sundberg 25
Florencia Szigeti 26
Whitney Warman 24
D Wygal-Springer 41
Next time you see one of these people at the pool, make sure you congratulate them on a job well-done.
Way to go Arizona All-Americans!
Christie Altman 58
Monica M Bailey 46
Summer Bezdek 23
Patrick Brundage 40
Eric Bugby 23
Henry L Clark 42
Kurt F Dickson 40
Jonathon Donath 26
Jerry Hernandez 47
Liz Hobbs 46
Al Jaegers 45
Katy James 52
Glenn Leighton 42
Becki Major 44
Marika McCue 44
Kenny McLeod 20
Amy Mullaney 47
Lisa Palencia 20
Jonelle Schmidt 56
Paul Smith 48
Louise So 38
Chris Sundberg 25
Florencia Szigeti 26
Whitney Warman 24
D Wygal-Springer 41
Next time you see one of these people at the pool, make sure you congratulate them on a job well-done.
Way to go Arizona All-Americans!