Happy Halloween
While you are out celebrating Halloween, just remember to enjoy in moderation.
Otherwise, you will end up one sick pumpkin...
Happy Halloween everybody!
Otherwise, you will end up one sick pumpkin...
Happy Halloween everybody!
USMS Coaching Support at the 2008 World Masters Championships

Tracy Grilli from the USMS National Office just sent this out today. If you are interested in swimming at FINA World Masters in Perth, AU next year, keep on reading.
The purpose of this program is to provide USMS swimmers with the best possible coaching support as they strive for excellence at the World Championships in Australia, 2008. We know that many of you do not have coaches or whose coaches will not be traveling with them to Perth-we're here for you! The coaching staff will be available before and during the meet to provide these services to USMS swimmers at the meet:
- Schedule and hold a pre-meet meeting for USMS swimmers on the day before the meet.
- Designate an USMS "team area" and hang the USMS banner. Please sit with us.
- Offer guidance & splits during warm-up to those who desire it.
- Offer pre-race guidance & post-race comments throughout the meet to those who desire it.
- Assist videotaping if possible.
- Offer encouragement as needed.
- Serve as advocate for USMS swimmers regarding protests & administrative problems.
- Arrange for team picture(s).
- Perform other coaching tasks as needed.
The USMS Coaches Committee has named four Masters Coaches to assist USMS swimmers planning to compete at this spring's FINA World Masters Swimming Championships in Perth, Australia April 15-25, 2008.
- Head Coach - Mark Moore, Mission Viejo Masters
- Assistant Coach - Michael Collins, Irvine Novaquatics
- Assistant Coach - Tiffany Forbes, Boulder Aquatic Masters
- Assistant Coach - John Grzeszczak, Florida Gold Coast Masters
Membership Dues for 2008

Nothing has changed!
This is actually fairly significant because USMS raised their yearly fee from $20 to $25. The result will be less income from registrations next year. However, the LMSC Board decided that our finances are in good enough shape that this rate increase will not adversely affect our reserves. The end result is that 2008 dues will remain $38, just as it has been for the last few years.
We are working on ways to add value to your membership. In the coming months, new programs will be announced that will give registered swimmers discounts and special offers. You will recoup your financial investment in masters swimming quickly, which will be yet another benefit of swimming.
Subscription Service Available

No, I did not save a bunch of money by switching my car insurance...
Our new website got even better.
How so?
Now anybody can subscribe to Swim Arizona and receive an electronic copy (in PDF format) of it.
That means former members all across the world can get the same newsletter that current members get. It does not cost anything and is lightning quick.
All you have to do is go here and fill-out the information. When a new edition comes out, you will receive an email with a link to the newsletter. From there, you just download it to your computer and read at your leisure.
Kinda cool huh...
Meet Bounty?
Word 'round the campfire is that Meet Director Liz Hobbs is posting a cash bounty for the team that sends the most swimmers to the upcoming SCM meet in Flagstaff.
You heard right my friends! If you were thinking about swimming in this meet, you may be able to bring more home to your team than bragging rights.

Round up your posse and ride on up to Flagstaff! If you have any questions give Liz a shout.
You heard right my friends! If you were thinking about swimming in this meet, you may be able to bring more home to your team than bragging rights.

Round up your posse and ride on up to Flagstaff! If you have any questions give Liz a shout.
First Meet, First Place

Answer: Robyn Kondrad!
There is more to the story of course. Robyn has been a swimmer since she was six years old. She is originally from North Carolina and swam for William and Mary in college. Now, she lives in Tempe and goes to graduate school at ASU.
Ironically, she did not plan on being a masters swimmer when she moved out to Arizona. She started as a coach for Sun Devil Aquatics and noticed that Sun Devil Masters practiced after the age group kids were done. Like many ex-swimmers, she began to miss the training and competition. Robyn did some training on her own, but she missed the social aspects of working out in a group.
This spring, she started practicing with Sun Devil Masters. She quickly moved from two workouts per week to five. During this time, Robyn made new friends and enjoyed her time in the pool. Then she began to think about competing.
Her first masters meet was Long Course Nationals at the Woodlands. Talk about diving in the deep end! But she did well in her first meet in two years.
How well you ask?
3rd in the 100M Breaststroke
4th in the 200M IM
1st in the 100M Butterfly
Not bad at all for your first masters meet!
Thanks for being a part of our team Robyn.
New Master, New Champion

As you know, masters come from all age groups.
Some, like Kelly Busche, are from the youngest age group (18-24).
Some, like Kelly Busche, are National Champions!
One of our fellow swimmers from Northern Arizona Masters shared this article with me a while back. It highlights Kelly's recent accomplishments in masters swimming at Short Course Nationals in Seattle this May. You can read the whole article but this young lady scored three first place finishes!
There are many other younger masters swimmers out there too. Some enjoy competition, others just train for fitness, while others focus on triathlon training. Whatever their motivation, our young masters are an important part of our organization and our future.
Way to go young teammates!