Go with Visa

VISA Features U.S. Masters Swimming in Global Campaign
VISA is a brand synonymous with the Super Bowl, World Series, Daytona 500 and now U.S. Masters Swimming. We are pleased to share that U.S. Masters Swimming is the exclusive swimming organization featured in VISA's new global Go with VISA campaign. The campaign will run throughout the duration of 2009 and be promoted by VISA in TV, print and the Internet.
How Did This Happen?
In January, VISA and U.S. Masters Swimming began talking about a top-secret campaign that VISA was planning to launch in March. VISA saw the passion of our membership, they saw we were growing, and thought we'd be a terrific fit for the new Go with VISA campaign they were developing. The campaign is focusing on fitness, social and community activities, all of which fit the culture values of U.S. Masters Swimming.
Once it was agreed we'd be part of the campaign, we worked closely with VISA's ad agency to develop a concept, look and feel for our "tile" within the campaign.
Drum Roll Please...
On Monday night, the go.visa.com site went live. VISA's new campaign, Go with VISA, can also be found at www.visa.com/go. Go features numerous activities from "Go pick up a hobby" to "Go catch and cook a fish" to, of course, "Go join a swim team," which includes a link directly to www.usms.org. According to VISA, "[Go] is a tiny word that sets everything in motion." Not only is U.S. Masters Swimming a perfect fit for this campaign, but its members are practically poster-children (er ... adults) for this motto.
Rob Butcher, executive director, commented on U.S. Masters Swimming's participation in the campaign: "One of our initiatives is to grow partnerships that extend the reach and promotion of adult swimming. We have more than 1,000 organized U.S. Masters Swimming programs across the country and hundreds of experienced coaches operating those programs. We are increasing promotion of adult health, fitness, wellness and competition through aquatics. By associating U.S. Masters Swimming with this VISA campaign, a brand with global reach, we are able to meet this goal."
U.S. Masters Swimming is experiencing double-digit membership growth over 2008 and we expect our numbers to continue to rise. U.S. Masters Swimming's involvement with campaigns such as Go with VISA are catalysts in raising the popularity among the fitness population looking for a fun, healthy and affordable means of exercise and interaction.
So, What Does This Mean for You?
Thank you. Thank you for being active. Thank you for enjoying exercise. Thank you for serving as motivation and inspiration for adults around the globe. Thank you for showing up to the pool every week. Thank you for being you, a swimmer.