2008 Registration Begins

All you have to do is go here and download the form. You can send it in to our Registrar, who will enter you into the USMS database. A few weeks after you send your information in, you will get a card that will allow you to compete at any USMS-sanctioned event. You will also receive USMS Swimmer and be insured when you workout.
You will notice that our rates have not changed for this year! We have kept the overall cost the same, even thought USMS has increased their fee to $25. Our organization is in good financial health and can absorb this cost for this year.
So when you have a chance, get your 2008 registration completed and sent in so you will remain covered and eligible to compete.
NOTE: In a few weeks, swimmers will be able to register online and pay with their credit card. When this is ready, an update will be posted on both the blog and the website.