For those of us (I count myself in this number) who enjoy swimming something other than freestyle all the time, there is a postal swim that you may want to be a part of. Minnesota Masters have organized a postal pentathlon over the past few years where swimmers can swim all four strokes and an individual medley. You can choose sprint, middle, or ironman distances for your swim. This event runs through December 15 so you still have time to get this swim in.Pssst, tell your Coach that this may be a good workout idea for a Saturday practice...
Maybe it's a Minnesota thing, but pentathlons seem to be popular there. When I was in college, my coach had us do the same thing during the first week of official team practice. But I digress, back to the post.
Click here to download the entry form and pick your poison. Good luck to everybody!
// posted by Doug Adamavich @