Albert Subirats -- legend?

Full disclosure: I'm an employee of the Arizona Daily Star in Tucson, so I'm shilling some product here.
Take a look at columnist Greg Hansen's take on UA swimmer Albert Subirats, who's probably going to run over all of us this weekend at the Tucson Ford Dealers Southwest Classic. I say "us" because Albert's entered in the 100 back, and he'd have to be extremely broken down for me to have any chance of beating him. That's OK. It'll be fun to be in the pool with him.
Hansen is the Star's one advocate of swimming coverage. I think it might be increased when the Olympic roster features at least half a dozen swimmers from the UA list.
Anyway, if you didn't see Albert's courageous swim in the 100 fly at worlds in April, watch him feed off the Phelps/Crocker rivalry in lane 5. Former UA swimmer Lyndon Ferns is in lane 3.
I'm going to swim during the warmup before tonight's finals, then stick around to watch some fast swimming. The four South Africans who won the 400 free relay, as well as Albert and some other fast UA guys, will be in the 100 free.
On the masters side, we'll have Jeff Utsch in the 400 free. He just turned 40, so he's going after the 400 free record of 4:11. I'm going to cheer loudly for him, but even if he doesn't get it, I think the effort will be undoubtedly heroic.