2008 Short Course Nationals On Line Entry Information

If you are going to swim in this meet, you can enter online.
Online entries will be accepted until midnight CDT on April 3. Mailed entries must be postmarked by March 20 or received by March 27.
Be sure to get your entry in early - the entry fee is reduced by $10 for entries received online or postmarked by March 20.
Recycling Program

But what if you could recycle these items in an environmentally responsible manner AND benefit masters swimming?
Now you can! Arizona Masters Swimming is now a part of the eScrip recycling program. This means swimmers, spouses, and supporters can collect cartridges as well as cell phones, iPods, and notebooks and send them to a collection center. The funds for these items are then sent to our Treasurer where they are recycled into our checking account!
You can start collecting items right now at work, at home, or through friends. Once you get a box full of items, email me (Chairman Doug) and I will send you a pre-paid UPS label via email. Then you take the box to a drop-off location (UPS Store, Office Depot, Staples, PostNet, etc.) and send it in. That's all you have to do!

So start collecting and get hold of me when you have a full box of cartridges, cell phones, iPods, and notebooks. It's good for both the Earth and Arizona Masters.
Arizona Apparel Available!

Why not wear team gear?
We now have logo apparel available via our online store. All you have to do is go here, select your items, and complete your order. In a few days you will receive your items in the mail.
Of course, you don't have to be a competitive swimmer to wear this gear. Anybody can show their support by wearing these items at work, on the golf course, or anywhere else you are. Doing so helps build awareness in masters swimming and raises our profile in the fitness community.
So get on over to the store and order away. The link will remain on the right-hand side of the blog so you won't have to bookmark it. On the web page, it will be on the left-hand navigation bar.
Polar Bear Classic XVIII Results

No polar bears were sighted.
The next meet on the calendar is the Short Course Yards State Championships. These will be held in Tucson as well, an announcement on that will be posted shortly.
In the meantime, keep training!
The Road to Austin

For those who live and/or compete for Arizona, how are your preparations going for this event?
I know there are a couple of Longhorns that swim with us...what about your plans on going back?
Now is a good time to start talking amongst yourselves, your coaches, and others to make this a fun event. Masters swimming is about more than just competition, its about friendships and good times that we share together. Last year, our members had a great time at Federal Way, Woodlands, and La Jolla. Time to prepare for fun in Austin, which should not be difficult ;-)