Ron Johnson - Fit for Life

At 74, Ron is still swimming and active. He has contributed in many different areas of swimming, from equipment design, to coaching, to writing, and mentoring. Most importantly though, he does so with a smile and with fun in mind.
No doubt we will see Ron at upcoming meets well into the future. His recovery from heart surgery is going well and he is training hard again. Look for more records to fall and more contributions to swimming from Ron.
Vegas Meet

You could go to Las Vegas...for a swim meet!
SPMA Masters in Southern California is organizing a meet at Desert Breeze Park in Las Vegas, NV. The indoor pool will host The Vegas Free Play SCY meet on Saturday January 20, 2007
If you are interested, you need to get registered and entered soon. Click here for the entry form. Entries are due by January 15th so don't delay.
...just remember that what happens there stays there.
Polar Bear Reminder
The first meet of the year is just a few weeks away! The 17th Annual Polar Bear Meet will take place on Sunday February 4, 2007 at the Hillenbrand Aquatics Center on the University of Arizona campus in Tucson. Coach Jim Stites always puts on a well-run meet and attracts swimmers from all over the region. Be sure to be a part of this traditional event.
If you need an entry form, click here for the html version. The pdf will be on the website shortly as well as a print version in the newsletter.
If you need an entry form, click here for the html version. The pdf will be on the website shortly as well as a print version in the newsletter.
TAM 1650
Every January, Tamalpais Aquatic Masters in San Rafael, CA hosts the 1650 Pool Mile postal swim. This year is no different, so if you want to participate in this "Don't Waste Your Base" swim, click on this link to download the entry form.
Hint to Coaches: Have your teams swim this as a workout on a Saturday in January...
This is a great event to get behind. Heck, even die-hard sprinters can swim a mile (when they have to).
Hint to Coaches: Have your teams swim this as a workout on a Saturday in January...
This is a great event to get behind. Heck, even die-hard sprinters can swim a mile (when they have to).
2007 Registration
Don't forget that as 2006 draws to a close, all members need to register for 2007. The form is now available on the website and will also be in the upcoming edition of the newsletter. So when you have a few minutes, get registered and mail it in to Mitch. If you have any questions, either call the information line (480-365-0037, option #1) or email the Registrar.
New Webmaster
We have a new webmaster! Dana Hunter from Tucson is going to take over the website and make some needed changes. She is a web developer, swimmer, and coach who is both capable and knowledgeable in her craft.
We will all see changes in the coming weeks on the website so be sure you check-in from time to time.
We will all see changes in the coming weeks on the website so be sure you check-in from time to time.