Phone Number
Arizona Masters has a phone number that anybody can call and get up to date information. Just dial this number:
When you call, you will be able to select from different options that address specific issues. If you need to leave a message, it gets routed to a person or group who can answer it.
The messages and options will change from time to time so call in every so often to stay fully informed. If you have any suggestions for improvements, email me.
When you call, you will be able to select from different options that address specific issues. If you need to leave a message, it gets routed to a person or group who can answer it.
The messages and options will change from time to time so call in every so often to stay fully informed. If you have any suggestions for improvements, email me.
You will notice that the blog has changed, again. The main reason for this is to incorporate feeds (ex. RSS, Atom, etc.) so that viewers can subscribe and receive updates via a reader without having to visit the site. All you have to do is click on the chicklet and you will be taken to the feed.
For those of you who don't understand what I just wrote, it is ok because the functionality of the blog remains the same.
The links have been updated too. If you notice that an important swimming-related link is missing, send me an email and I will take a look at it. Your suggestions will make the list a better source of information for visitors to the site. Thanks in advance for your contributions.
For those of you who don't understand what I just wrote, it is ok because the functionality of the blog remains the same.
The links have been updated too. If you notice that an important swimming-related link is missing, send me an email and I will take a look at it. Your suggestions will make the list a better source of information for visitors to the site. Thanks in advance for your contributions.
Arizona Masters Wants You
So you have skills and talent, but are frustrated because you don't always get a chance to use them at work. Or let's say you have recently learned more about a subject you are interested in and want to get some experience. If that is the case...

Organizations like Arizona Masters Swimming depends upon people sharing their skills, talents, and passion in order to be successful. There are many ways you can share your gifts with the other 900 or so other members of AZ LMSC. Sroll down a bit and read the posting on the new committee structure that has been put in place. If you see anything that you are interested in, send me an email and we can get the process started.
Working with Arizona Masters Swimming is a way to give back something to the sport we all enjoy. Swimming is a wonderful activity that benefits all participants in a variety of different ways. Why not give something back to help sustain and grow this activity for current and future members?
You don't have to make a long-term commitment or spend large amounts of time in order to make a positive different to AZ LMSC. All of us have unique skills and abilities that will have an impact so don't be afraid to step forward and volunteer. There is always room for those who want to contribute and the door will remain open no matter how many wish to participate.

Organizations like Arizona Masters Swimming depends upon people sharing their skills, talents, and passion in order to be successful. There are many ways you can share your gifts with the other 900 or so other members of AZ LMSC. Sroll down a bit and read the posting on the new committee structure that has been put in place. If you see anything that you are interested in, send me an email and we can get the process started.
Working with Arizona Masters Swimming is a way to give back something to the sport we all enjoy. Swimming is a wonderful activity that benefits all participants in a variety of different ways. Why not give something back to help sustain and grow this activity for current and future members?
You don't have to make a long-term commitment or spend large amounts of time in order to make a positive different to AZ LMSC. All of us have unique skills and abilities that will have an impact so don't be afraid to step forward and volunteer. There is always room for those who want to contribute and the door will remain open no matter how many wish to participate.
SCM Top Ten Times
The preliminary National Top Ten report is now available at the USMS website. Please encourage as many people as you can to proofread this document and report any errors to me before February 25. I have already noted a few errors in the women’s relays, where the club name is a hybrid of Arizona and the local team name. I will change all of those to simply reflect Arizona.
Access the top-10 by going to www.USMS.org and move your cursor over <competition> which will display a pull down menu. Select <top ten> and you will find a link to the individual and relay top-10 in the first bulleted item.
Barry Roth
Top Ten Committee
Access the top-10 by going to www.USMS.org and move your cursor over <competition> which will display a pull down menu. Select <top ten> and you will find a link to the individual and relay top-10 in the first bulleted item.
Barry Roth
Top Ten Committee
One project planned for the near future for Arizona Masters is compiling an updated list of swimming-related links. As we all know, there are a lot of websites out there and the quality ranges from amazing to abysmal. If you have any good links that you think others could benefit from, send me an email and I will compile a list. I will review the list and examine the websites. After the new website is up, these links will be added. Thanks in advance for your contributions.
Fresh Fundraiser, Round II
Don't forget that next Saturday is the second Baja Fresh Fundraiser! You can help Arizona Masters Swimming by eating any of the Phoenix-area locations. The money earned during this fundraiser will be used to help AZ LMSC grow and promote the sport of swimming throughout the state. If you don't have the form, you can go here and download it. Bring it with you and Baja Fresh does the rest. It is a win-win-win for everybody involved. So make sure you mark February 18th on your calendar and bring your appetite.
New and Improved
Recently, Arizona Masters changed the committee structure for our organization. This may not sound like a worthy news item but it is important to how our LMSC functions. After all, for the 900 or so members of Arizona Masters, this will have a positive impact that will touch all of us.
The Committee on Committees (yes, we had a group by that name) decided to consolidate various functions into four groups. The goal is to have committee members work together and share the workload related to a particular area. Each committee would have a chairman who would provide the guidance to the other members of the group. The Board of Directors would in turn provide guidance and assistance to the committees.
So why does this matter? Working together is better than working alone, especially when there are a lot of tasks to complete. Members can share their ideas, talent, and experience in a setting where they can all contribute to the success of the committee. While swimming is an individual sport, for organizations like ours success is a team effort.
The following is the current AZ LMSC Committee Structure:
The Committee on Committees (yes, we had a group by that name) decided to consolidate various functions into four groups. The goal is to have committee members work together and share the workload related to a particular area. Each committee would have a chairman who would provide the guidance to the other members of the group. The Board of Directors would in turn provide guidance and assistance to the committees.
So why does this matter? Working together is better than working alone, especially when there are a lot of tasks to complete. Members can share their ideas, talent, and experience in a setting where they can all contribute to the success of the committee. While swimming is an individual sport, for organizations like ours success is a team effort.
The following is the current AZ LMSC Committee Structure:
- Officials
- Sanctions
- Equipment
- Open Water
- Nationals
- Top-10
- Records
- Senior Olympics
- Web
- Newsletter
- Video and Images
- Blog
- Group Sites
- Telephone
- Club Development
- My First Meet
- Coaches
- Hospitality
- Events
- History
- Pool List
- Scholarships
- Alliances
- Marketing/Publicity/Advertising
- Promotions/Sponsorship
- Swimmer-owned Businesses
Ever wonder what the Arizona Masters Swimming logo looked like? Here it is...
In the near future you will see more of the logo on all manner of items. It will also appear on LMSC documents, publications, brochures, and other official materials. Soon, there will be a wide range of items with the logo on it too. So stay tuned, more information on this subject will come your way shortly.
Start Study
A masters coach needs a few male subjects for a study at ASU. Take a look to see if you are interested and eligible. Good luck!
Thank you for your interest in this study!
Details outlining the nature of the study, subject criterion, your time commitment, a testing and training schedule, means of compensation, and the fine print are listed below.
If, after reading through this information, you are still interested in participating, please RSVP (see below) with the training and testing times that fit your schedule, your suit size, level of swimming experience and, if applicable, date of last competition, and information regarding your preferred method of contact.
Thanks! I hope to be hearing from you!
RSVP to:
Bethany Larsen
ASU Department of Kinesiology, Biomechanics
Phone: 480-965-7528
Richard Hinrichs
ASU Department of Kinesiology, Biomechanics
Phone: 480-965-1624
Nature of the study and purpose: We are seeking to investigate the properties of force production in four types of swimming starts, the grab start, rear-weighted track start, front-weighted track start, and a ‘swing’ start. The results of this research will provide insight into which start may offer the most advantages and may help coaches determine which type of start may be best for individual swimmers.
Subject criterion: We are in need of both competitive and non-competitive swimmers and novice swimmers. For the sake of this study competitive and non-competitive are defined as follows:
To be considered as competitive – you must have competed at least once within the year prior to the start of this study (approximately, March 2005-March 2006)
To be considered non-competitive – you must have had no formal competitive swimming racing experience within the past 10 years (novice would be included in this group).
All participants must meet the following criteria to be included as a participant in this study:
Non-competitive swimmers and novices will be asked to attend two ½ hour training sessions a week for three weeks and a final testing session for a total time commitment of approximately 4 hours. During the training sessions you will be taught the proper technique required to perform each type of start being analyzed in this study. During data collection the forces exerted by your hands and feet during a start will be measured using a customized starting block outfitted with force measuring instrumentation, with which you will become familiarized during training.
Training and Testing Schedule: All testing and training will be done at Mona Plummer Aquatic Center on the northern end of the Arizona State University campus (please ask if you need maps or parking information and we will be happy assist you). Training sessions will be held from 10:40-11:30am on Monday and Wednesday and at 7:00-8:00pm on Tuesday and Wednesday during the weeks of February 12th, 19th, and 26th (competitive swimmers need only attend the training sessions scheduled the week of February 26th). Testing sessions will be held on Tuesday March 7th at 1:00pm, 3:00pm, & 7:00pm and on Wednesday March 8th at 11:00am, 1:00pm, and 7:00pm. Please allow approximately 1 hour for testing. YOU ONLY NEED TO ATTEND ONE (1) TESTING SESSION!
Compensation: For participating in the full duration of this study you will receive a FREE Arena racing swim suit. The suits will be distributed during the testing session; at which time we will ask that you wear them as a consistency measure between participants.
Your starts will be videotaped, but your name or any personal information will not be revealed in any way. Upon completion of the study the videotapes will be kept for archival purposes. Should the results of the research be published, your name or identity will not be revealed. And most importantly, your participation in this study is voluntary, but is extremely beneficial! If you choose not to participate or choose to withdraw from the study at any time, there will be no penalty.
If you have any further questions, please call or e-mail the contacts listed above!
Bethany Larsen
Assistant Coach
Sun Devil Masters
Thank you for your interest in this study!
Details outlining the nature of the study, subject criterion, your time commitment, a testing and training schedule, means of compensation, and the fine print are listed below.
If, after reading through this information, you are still interested in participating, please RSVP (see below) with the training and testing times that fit your schedule, your suit size, level of swimming experience and, if applicable, date of last competition, and information regarding your preferred method of contact.
Thanks! I hope to be hearing from you!
RSVP to:
Bethany Larsen
ASU Department of Kinesiology, Biomechanics
Phone: 480-965-7528
Richard Hinrichs
ASU Department of Kinesiology, Biomechanics
Phone: 480-965-1624
Nature of the study and purpose: We are seeking to investigate the properties of force production in four types of swimming starts, the grab start, rear-weighted track start, front-weighted track start, and a ‘swing’ start. The results of this research will provide insight into which start may offer the most advantages and may help coaches determine which type of start may be best for individual swimmers.
Subject criterion: We are in need of both competitive and non-competitive swimmers and novice swimmers. For the sake of this study competitive and non-competitive are defined as follows:
To be considered as competitive – you must have competed at least once within the year prior to the start of this study (approximately, March 2005-March 2006)
To be considered non-competitive – you must have had no formal competitive swimming racing experience within the past 10 years (novice would be included in this group).
All participants must meet the following criteria to be included as a participant in this study:
- Participants must be 18 years or older.
- Because the task of performing a swimming start requires some degree of physical exertion participants must be at least moderately fit individuals with no physical limitations that may prevent completion of a proper swimming start. (Moderately fit may be considered as exercising for 2 or more hours per week).
- Participants must be able to swim a minimum of 25 yards without assistance from another person or buoyant device.
- Participants must be free of any physical limitation that will prevent them from performing a dive start from a swimming starting block (e.g., any type of recent injury that may be aggravated by diving, etc…).
Non-competitive swimmers and novices will be asked to attend two ½ hour training sessions a week for three weeks and a final testing session for a total time commitment of approximately 4 hours. During the training sessions you will be taught the proper technique required to perform each type of start being analyzed in this study. During data collection the forces exerted by your hands and feet during a start will be measured using a customized starting block outfitted with force measuring instrumentation, with which you will become familiarized during training.
Training and Testing Schedule: All testing and training will be done at Mona Plummer Aquatic Center on the northern end of the Arizona State University campus (please ask if you need maps or parking information and we will be happy assist you). Training sessions will be held from 10:40-11:30am on Monday and Wednesday and at 7:00-8:00pm on Tuesday and Wednesday during the weeks of February 12th, 19th, and 26th (competitive swimmers need only attend the training sessions scheduled the week of February 26th). Testing sessions will be held on Tuesday March 7th at 1:00pm, 3:00pm, & 7:00pm and on Wednesday March 8th at 11:00am, 1:00pm, and 7:00pm. Please allow approximately 1 hour for testing. YOU ONLY NEED TO ATTEND ONE (1) TESTING SESSION!
Compensation: For participating in the full duration of this study you will receive a FREE Arena racing swim suit. The suits will be distributed during the testing session; at which time we will ask that you wear them as a consistency measure between participants.
Your starts will be videotaped, but your name or any personal information will not be revealed in any way. Upon completion of the study the videotapes will be kept for archival purposes. Should the results of the research be published, your name or identity will not be revealed. And most importantly, your participation in this study is voluntary, but is extremely beneficial! If you choose not to participate or choose to withdraw from the study at any time, there will be no penalty.
If you have any further questions, please call or e-mail the contacts listed above!
Bethany Larsen
Assistant Coach
Sun Devil Masters
Let's say you have a digital camera and like to take pictures at meets. What to do next?
Here is an idea, share them!
We can start a tradition this year, after each event members can submit a sample of their pictures to the website, blog, and (Yahoo/MSN/Google) group sites. That way, we can all share in the memories online! Plus, we could also have a photo contest at the end of the year. That may take some refinement but heck, we have until December 31st.
For now, if you have pictures from the Polar Bear Meet, email them to me so I can begin compiling them. I will ask that you send no more than three and that the images are no larger than 600 x 600 pixels. Make sure you save the pictures as JPEG (.jpg) images too.

Just remember that nothing is formal yet but send in your snapshots and we will see where this takes us.
NOTE: You may want to put your name on the pictures that you post so that people know who the image belongs to. The internet is a public place so be mindful of that when you upload an image.
Here is an idea, share them!

Just remember that nothing is formal yet but send in your snapshots and we will see where this takes us.
NOTE: You may want to put your name on the pictures that you post so that people know who the image belongs to. The internet is a public place so be mindful of that when you upload an image.
If you have interesting news/links/articles to share that are related to Masters Swimming, you have a chance to share them. Send me an email with the information you want to share and I will look it over. I won't guarantee that it will get posted but your submission will receive a look and fair consideration. Thanks in advance for your participation.